Sunday, October 23, 2011


Yesterday was the ninth birthday of my favourite german club 3001 in Dusseldorf. I had soooo much fun!! It was my first time back there since the club was renovated, so I was really excited to see for myself how different it is now from what it used to be.

The first thing you see, when you get in, are the BIG light balls, hnaging from the ceiling. It's incredible how they've changed the atmosphere in the club. Everything is still very modern and extravagant, but somehow much warmer.

Although it was the club's birthday, every guest got a special gift at the entrance. Something little as a thank you for supporting the club in these past nine years. I think, that this gesture was very kind and it shows only once more how important the regulars are to 3001. Or as the crew said: "We are not the only ones who have birthday today, it's your birthday as well, since you've supported us for nine years".

Julian Yogeshwar, Olli Wallner and Phillip Heithier - the residents of the club were behind the decks. This was the right thing to do, because it was the birthday of the club and there's no one a better choice for an act as the actual residents. Everyone else would have changed the theme of the night.

Besides, the guys are playing soooo good, you don't need an international act! Julian for instance is so young and already so incredibly talented. He's currently working on his first track. I'm not allowed to give you information on it yet, but I can tell you this: it sounds very, VERY promising! As to his set yersterday - it's a pleasure to watch him play :)

And Olli's amazing set was accompanied by the live vocals of Phillip Heithier. You can see for yourself on the video below how great that was :)) The two had so much fun performing together and the result speaks for itself:

All in all, it was a great evening with great music and great people at the greatest german club 3001 :)

For more pictures follow this link: Facebook Gallery

See you all on Halloween, when Julian and Olli will rock 3001 together with Norman Doray and Thomas Gold :)

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